Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction
Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction
Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction

Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction

Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction



Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction,Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction,Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction,Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction,Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction,Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction,Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction,Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction,Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction,Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction,Berlusconi, Papi, Silvio, LUST, truth, Italy, lies, falsity, lover, freedom, reality, fiction, training, work, art, State, society, toy, warning, underage, girls, escort, call-girls, scandal, addiction. HOW IT WORKS: NATURALLY! The Daddy of Lust changes the PERCEPTION OF REALITY in mammals through playing NOEMA, cult masterpiece, capable of UNVEILING THE TRUTH to anyone who watched with attention and a pure heart: playing the work, allowing everyone to replicate the artist's revealing gesture acting on the Psyche at the unconscious level with language of ART and symbols, where the body represents the reality and the sticky hair mendacity. The psychological polls are very clear: the daily repetition of a simple and natural gesture as ripping Mini-Daddy's adhesive fake hair, for the inconscious has a definite meaning: with a volountary action You are the one to unveil the lie and to discover the truth; IN THIS WAY, THE DADDY OF LUST HELPS YOU TO TAKE CONSCIOUSNESS OF YOUR OWN CAPACITY TO UNDERSTAND REALITY, RIP AFTER RIP, REMOVAL AFTER REMOVAL, UNTIL THE FINAL TRUTH. WOW, FANTASTIC! BUT, ATTENTION: THE DADDY DOES MORE...yes, because to be conscious of your capacities will pump-up your trust in yourself, increase your self-esteem and diminish your doubts...THAT WAY, THE DADDY OF LUST IMPROVES YOUR SECURITY: you can leave at night, leave your bicycle open and take your money at the cash-machine without looking back...THIS IS PROGRESS! Well, thanks to the beneficiary influxes of the Daddy that irradiates your Psyche, EVERYBODY CAN NOW KNOW THE TRUTH - AND HAVE SECURITY AS AN EXTRA!! THIS IS TRUE DEMOCRACY! LONG LIVE THE DADDY OF LUST AND WHO INVENTED IT!! Thanks, Helmholtz Watson. And it's ALL NATURAL, there are no contra-indications, for the influx benefits of the Daddy of Lust are slowly and methodically concentrated in the RIGHT part of the brain, where the logical type of thoughts is almost completely absent: in the right part infact is concentrated the totality of EMOTIVE TRIALS: IN THAT WAY, THE DADDY OF LUST SENDS IN PRESCRIPTION THE WORST DAMAGES THAT THE BRAIN RESIDUE WOULD UNDERGO... NiccolòMachiavellian!. IT'S NOT LOGICAL! AND IT WORKS A TREAT!! IN ITALY, AT LEAST. WARNING: THE DADDY OF LUST PROVOKES SEX ADDICTION.